Monday, July 5, 2010

Another headboard envy

Kessler Park is an historic neighborhood just southwest of downtown Dallas where bungalow  and revival style homes from the 1920s - 1940s are the norm.  It's a charming area where preservationists have had a hayday restoring many of these old lovelies to their original grandeur. 

This month's issue of D Home magazine features the home of interior designer, Rob Dailey and event planner, Todd Fiscus.  You can read the article by Laura Kostelny, here.

I just wanted to share a picture of the bedroom.  I'm in love with this headboard!  Designed by Dailey, I think it is a wonderful complement to the small bungalow windows. What do you think?  (I"m just not sure about the lamps!)

Happy Monday, everyone!


  1. GM Sally, I agree tha lamps are a bit out of scale aren't they?!! Maybe it is to make the head board the ta-da, but I think it is a ta-da anyhow. Happy Monday,Kathysue

  2. Mmmmm...perfection!

    Funny, if that same size lamp was on a swing-arm, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

    Happy Monday, Miz S.!

  3. I will have to go get that D Home issue now that I can! I also sent you an email off of your web page...getting together would be great :)

  4. That is one fabulous headboard! I'm curious about the thought process behind the lamps and why they were selected over other options. Then perhaps I might understand the choice.

  5. You are right, the lamps are too tiny! I think swing-arms would have been great under those cool windows. The headboard IS divine!
    xx Suzanne

  6. I am in love with this whole bedroom...tiny lamps and all!


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