Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Departure

Divine Distractions is a design blog, and I've seldom used this forum for anything other than design related issues.  I want it to be light and inspirational.

But the events of the day compel me to make a statement in regard to the death of Osama Bin Laden.

My son was a fresh Lt. in the Marine his first duty station...when the twin towers were attacked.  It took hours before I was able to speak to him and reassure myself that he was ok.  Of course he was, but as a mom, I needed to hear his voice.  

He was deployed to Iraq 3 days after his lovely wedding and participated in the first march to Bagdad.  I have never felt such fear as his mother as I did watching the news as the Marines moved in.  And that lump in my throat didn't leave until he returned home the following October.  

He left the corp after 8 years of duty, and I'm extremely proud of his character and his service.

And now, my sweet son in law serves as a Major in the Air Force, and will most likely make his career there.  I see first hand the sacrifices that military families make in service of our country.  He is actively fighting the good fight in defense of our freedom on a daily basis.

I am grateful that Osama is dead.  I don't know if I've ever felt gratitude for the death of another before.  But he changed the lives of so many in this country and beyond.  At least I  have my children, but there are 3,000 people who are missing someone they loved because of this man and his hatefilled intentions.

I am grateful that he is dead.  Maybe we can find some peace now.  
Let us never forget.


  1. Sally, I am glad you departed from your normal topics. Hearing from a mom and mother-in-law who sacrificed and is still sacrificing imprints a real face and heart to what we know intellectually. Thank you for your sacrifice and please extend my thanks to your family as well. God bless America!

  2. I love your post. I too had to post today. My husband is an intelligence officer in the US navy. He was in Afganistan last month. He works with the special forces involved in this great victory. God Bless America.

  3. Sally...a lovely post because we really must never forget 9-11. My son fights terrorists on a daily basis as a border patrol agent. Most people think their job is keeping out the illegals and drug lords but terrorists are a huge part of the border problem as well.

    While it is difficult to rejoice in the death of another human being, Bid Laden was not human and, like you, I am glad he is dead. And how joyful his death will make the ten year anniversary of 9-11 this year!

    Thanks for the departure....we musn't ever forget. (and thank your son for his service)


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